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We are on a mission to globally advance the delivery of healthcare and science education and believe that a diverse and respectful workforce is the basis for making a real change. Every person's unique background, culture and experience help shape our industry and have a lasting effect on the success story of the 3B Scientific Group of Companies. Together, we learn, grow and have fun achieving our mission. Take a look at our workforce data, the progress we made over the years and our employee stories to find out who we are at our hearts.

-Todd A. Murray, CEO

Global Workforce

Diverse perspectives and a respectful culture foster innovation and success at 3B Scientific. Our workforce comes from all over the world.

Together, we speak more than 30 languages with many employees being fluent in 2 or more. English is our business language across the globe, but we respectfully communicate with our customers in their local language.

Joachim - Sales Manager

Joachim's journey with 3B Scientific started almost 20 years ago. His focus is on establishing and maintaining a global distribution including frequent traveling to Africa, India and the Middle East. For Joachim, it is important to be able to identify with his employer. "Working in the educational field and selling ethical products while constantly being in touch with other cultures comes naturally with my career at 3B Scientific." "The basis of 3B Scientific‘s success is diversity. Together with permanent learning, enrichment of one's personal and office life, handling unexpected problems and finding fitting solutions for them, contains culture and diversity at 3B Scientific."

"It is important to not copy other cultures, but staying authentic with your own culture and including aspects of other cultures to raise diversity. There are huge differences between the countries and we should learn to see and to respect it", he says.

Nenette - Social Media Expert

For over a year, Nenette has been part of the vibrant team at 3B Scientific, experiencing the power of cultural diversity that drives innovation and promotes inclusivity. As a social media expert, she connects the diverse voices within the company and the global community that 3B Scientific serves.

With a focus on digital marketing and fluency in Lingala, French, German, and English, Nenette brings a wealth of perspectives to every project. Her multilingualism not only enhances internal communication but also enriches her campaigns with diverse insights, boosting her outreach and engagement strategies.

"Joining 3B Scientific felt like entering a world where every person is valued not just for their professional skills but also for the unique perspectives they bring."

We are making progress every day

3B Scientific has made significant strides in hiring over the past four years. By thoroughly reviewing our recruitment process, we've achieved more balanced representation at all levels of our workforce. Our staff now consists almost equally of male and female employees, attracting talents from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Additionally, our commitment to promoting a respectful and diverse culture is reflected in the increasing proportion of female leaders in our management worldwide.

Global Age

3B Scientific's workforce is diverse also in respect of its age. With a multigenerational team aging from 18 to 65, 3B Scientific employees profit from one another's experience, innovation, perspective and expectation. The result is a highly performing team mastering complex decision-making tasks and a low turnover driven by loyalty and development.

Bruno - Product Manager

Bruno joined the company a year ago, hailing from Brazil and bringing a refreshing perspective to our multicultural team. "Moving to Hamburg was transformative and allowed me to contribute my experience to a team that values diversity," he shares.

He praises the supportive and flexible environment at 3B Scientific, which has eased his transition and fostered his professional development. Bruno emphasizes the company's commitment to diversity: "Our differences are celebrated here. We are an international team with various backgrounds, which strengthens our global success."

Bruno's experience highlights 3B Scientific's dedication to creating an inclusive workplace where the diverse contributions of each employee are valued.

Mei-Chun - Marketing Assistent

Mei-Chun started her career with 3B Scientific in 2008. In the past 12 years, she had the opportunity to work both in product management and marketing, making her highly skilled in communication with both teams and understanding the priorities. Mei-Chun sets an amazing example of balancing her career and her family life, being a powerful role model for her three children. Being fluent in Chinese, English and German, Mei-Chun defines "Culture & Diversity" not only as different languages, regions, religions, genders, believes and opinions, but also a perfect mixture of these points and the mutual respect of cultural diversity.

"The multicultural environment and great colleagueship at 3B Scientific means a lot to me, as a non-German I feel very comfortable and delighted to work here. I have met many people from different countries and have made a lot of friends here."

Mei-Chun's personal experience with the differences of the work place cultures between Asia and Germany has taught her that "learning from both cultures brings out a good mixture of individual and team working skills."

Miguel - Product Manager

Miguel started his career with 3B Scientific in 2001. He brings a unique cultural background to his job, of Spanish parents who was born and raised in London and keeps true to his British heritage.

"Being an international person myself, it is of great importance to reach out further than ones horizons and interact with other cultures. 3B Scientific is extremely diverse, which makes my everyday working life more interesting, exciting and sometimes even in a positive way challenging."

Miguel and his team foster both culture and diversity. "A perfect mixture would help us learn and benefit from each other and not hinder our personal and business aspirations. 3B Scientific offers a professional and friendly atmosphere working alongside young and dynamic colleagues."

Global Loyalty

Progress in the global development and retention of talent also shows in the number of years 3B Scientific employees stay with the company. In average, 38% of our employees stay with us for seven years or longer.

Stan - Skeleton Model & Feelgood Manager

Stan has started his career with 3B Scientific back in 1948 and is the oldest member of our workforce. He constantly travels and one of his biggest roles is the education about the anatomy of the human skeletal system. Today, Stan lives in almost every city of the world, may it be in universities, hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies, schools or even as decoration for Halloween.

One of Stan's latest adventures was becoming a virtual anatomy model. He has mastered this challenge and now assists students across the globe to study remotely.

Lifecast Family - Body Simulation

Since August 2023, Lifecast Body Simulation is a part of the 3B Scientific Group.

As a globally recognized brand, every manikin Lifecast designed and produced at the renowned Elstree Film Studios in London and in Sarasota Florida, demonstrates a remarkable level of realism, the very highest quality and diversity with different cultural backgrounds.

This is a step forward following our mission in advancing medical education especially concerning the authenticity, reality, and global reach of their medical simulator.